Friday 15 August 2014

Movie views 15th August 2014

Hi to all and welcome.

This is the first of what I hope to be of many weekly blogs concerning my thoughts on all aspects of the world of movies.

I have been a movie fan for around 40 years and have never lost that feeling of excitement that I get every time I go to the cinema to see a new release, whether it be a hit or a miss, it is the buzz of being taken away to a different place and time for around two hours. I remember the first film I saw at the cinema "Half a Sixpence" released in 1967 and starring Tommy Steele right up to this months "Guardians of the Galaxy" the latest from Marvel, and thousands in between. Thousands which include all genre of film of which I would have to say that action and adventure are my preferred choice and musicals my least favourite. Movies are being released thick and fast these days and it is hard to keep up with all that's going on but in this blog I will attempt to give my views on all movie news. I do not work in the film industry so I am only writing as a fan and would appreciate any feedback you can give and would love to hear your views on any of my opinions whether you agree or disagree.

I am often asked what is my favourite movie but this is a question that I find very difficult to answer as there are so many to choose from, so what I do is to put my choices into genre catergories or by decade of release then choose my top three. These usually include movies that are generally found in the top choices of most people but there are some movies topping many lists that are not included in mine for example I am not a big Star Wars fan as they just didn't grab me as a teenager as they clearly did to millions of people worldwide but I have to admit that I am looking forward to Star Wars episode 7, to be directed by J.J Abrams, as I enjoyed his vision of the Star Trek franchise and I believe the future of Star Wars is in very safe hands. Also, the new trend of making movies directly aimed at the teens, such as the "Hunger Games" and "Divergent" series being examples, I find to be tedious viewing but I'm sure they are popular judging by the box office reciepts they're just not my cup of tea. Being British I take a keen interest in the Brits who have been taking Hollywood by storm over the last few years especially the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, Martin Freeman, Mark Strong, Tom Hiddleston and look out for newcomer Jack O'Connell who can be seen in the excellent new film "Starred Up" As you can see these are all men as there doesn't seem to be a lot of British women actors breaking through at the moment but I can see bright futures for the likes of Michelle Dockery, of Downton Abbey fame, Kelly Reilly and ex Doctor Who regular Karen Gillan.

My first blog sadly coincides with the very distressing news of the death of Robin Williams of whom I am a huge fan. His style of comedy was so unique that I honestly believe we will never see anybody of his skill again. I first saw him as Mork in the TV comedy "Mork and Mindy" and he blew me away with his quirky style and everyone knew that this manic comic was here to stay and stay he did, appearing in both comedies and dramas over the following forty years that showed that he was not a one horse pony. Three of his films that show the wide range of his talent stick in my mind they are "Dead Poets Society" "Mrs. Doubtfire" and "The Birdcage" He will be sadly missed but there are three new films featuring him which will be released over the next year for us to enjoy.

So there it is my first venture into the blogosphere. I hope you enjoyed reading and that you will continue to check out my views in the future.

May the force be with you and live long and prosper.

Miles Dunton.

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